The butcher’s knife brand of choice, Deglon Butchers’ knives from Mitchell & Cooper were the stars of the show at Lady’s Wood Shooting School in Gloucestershire this week. Razor sharp Deglon knives were used by Game Butcher of the Year 2022, Tim Hanks of Hanks’ Meat & Game.
Tim was very impressed with both the knives used on the day, he continued
“At Lady’s Wood I was demonstrating how to break down a whole roe deer carcass into primals, then butterfly the leg which we cooked on the Kamado Joe BBQ. The other haunch was boned-out and cut into muscle joints, then rolled and steaked. We also prepped the loin ready for Chef Ashleigh Ferrand of The Kingham Plough to turn into a delicious venison Wellington.
“Knives are very important to me as the tool of my trade and the Deglon 5”Desosseur etroit rouge Surclass boning knife was the perfect tool for my demonstration. It is clearly perfectly crafted steel, which held its edge brilliantly while working on the wooden Row & Sons butchers block.
Kat Cooper, Project Director at Mitchell & Cooper said: “Thanks to our partnership with leading UK culinary network The Chefs’ Forum we know our Deglon knives are going to be used by the best people out there not just in butchery but also in top kitchens. Tim did us proud at the event at Lady’s Wood. Deglon have a great range of both chef and butchers’ knives, and all are available to buy on our website. We love Tim’s positive feedback and are delighted that chefs got to see the range in action in a live butchery demo by the best game butcher in the country!
Catherine Farinha, Director of The Chefs’ Forum, added: “As an event organiser and publisher it is our job to find the best products, suppliers and chefs and enable them all to work in harmony. Our partnership with Mitchell & Cooper typifies the work we do in both the butchery sector and the catering industry.”
For more information on Deglon butchers knives visit: